Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Synesthetic commission finished and delivered.

God moving over the face of the waters, Moby. 2'x5'. Oil on Canvas. 2012. 

I think this is my favorite section. The larger photo does not really do all the details justice so I had to take some close ups.

Trash to Treasure

So I've taken to remodeling/up-cycling furniture. Ha. 

This dresser has lived in the closet of my childhood home for forever, and I needed storage for my book making supplies in my studio. So I commandeered it and painted it red...huzzah!

Before...covered in cat...
A slightly more challenging remodel was the re-upholstery of this pair of chairs I found in the neighbors garbage...

Gotta love 70's furniture.
I do.

I'm definitely happy with the way they turned out, even if I manged to accidentally staple both the backs on upside down so the seam shows...oops... 

After :)

Friday, November 2, 2012

2012 Jackolantern

So as any of you know who read my very few posts and follow my blog, I do really like to carve and post pictures of my Jackolantern masterpieces. This year I decided to tackle Hogwarts. Unfortunately I didn't take pictures till day 3 so my rooftops got a bit wilty...

How'd I do?

Monday, June 11, 2012

Assorted Craftings


So I've been crafting a ton lately...mostly because there are a lot of birthdays in May but also because the warmer weather inspires me. Here's a few fun things im working on....

Sarah and Stacey's Wedding guest book! First attempt at coptic binding. Eep this is going to take a lot of practice but I really don't think I ever want to glue a book together again.  
 Because who doesn't need a good pair of glittered pumps.

Old Nine West pumps, three shades of extra fine Martha glitter and a TON of Mod Podge.
So I make my own Laundry soap. What of it. It's awesome. I decided to etch a jar to put it in to make it even more awesome.

Visit Being Creative to Keep My Sanity for laundry detergent recipe details. My only addition is that for my next batch I would use a fine grater for the bar soap, as I wash my laundry cold and it doesn't always dissolve completely.

Coptic bound notebooks for my cousin Suzanne's graduation. I wish I had a set of these when went off the college. I suppose I could still make some for myself now that I've really figured out the stitch pattern

 Magazine Clutch. Woven magazines, magazine button closure with magazine beads. Fabric lined just in case you were worried something would fall out.

Made this without a pattern or any sort of clue what I was doing because one of my students asked to make one. And let me tell you, it took a real long time...

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Moby: God Moving Over the Face of the Waters

New work in progress. Feels good to spend all day in the studio...just try to remind myself not to walk around touching everything in the apartment with oil painted hands...bad news bears for my white bed spread...

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hive O'Clock

The Hive O'Clock workshop was really great! Thanks to everyone who came. 

Monday, March 5, 2012

Fused Plastic | 3x3"
I'll be teaching a mini-journal making Hive O'Clock workshop for The Hive Archive on March 20th, 530-7pm at Artists' Exchange. Should be super fun.

To see more journals check out my images page.

Monday, February 20, 2012


So its taken me pretty much forever to post anything of interest...but in actuality the real delay is the fact that my camera broke and I have just now gotten around to photographing some of my work. 
more to come soon, but for now check out here.