Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Synesthetic commission finished and delivered.

God moving over the face of the waters, Moby. 2'x5'. Oil on Canvas. 2012. 

I think this is my favorite section. The larger photo does not really do all the details justice so I had to take some close ups.

Trash to Treasure

So I've taken to remodeling/up-cycling furniture. Ha. 

This dresser has lived in the closet of my childhood home for forever, and I needed storage for my book making supplies in my studio. So I commandeered it and painted it red...huzzah!

Before...covered in cat...
A slightly more challenging remodel was the re-upholstery of this pair of chairs I found in the neighbors garbage...

Gotta love 70's furniture.
I do.

I'm definitely happy with the way they turned out, even if I manged to accidentally staple both the backs on upside down so the seam shows...oops... 

After :)

Friday, November 2, 2012

2012 Jackolantern

So as any of you know who read my very few posts and follow my blog, I do really like to carve and post pictures of my Jackolantern masterpieces. This year I decided to tackle Hogwarts. Unfortunately I didn't take pictures till day 3 so my rooftops got a bit wilty...

How'd I do?